Tomorrow at noon, at the St. Louis Science Center Dr. Peter Coogan, author of Superhero: Secret Origin of a Genre, will be delivering a one-hour lecture. Peter's an acquaintance that I've conversed with a few times, and I look forward to getting to hear him speak.
Tomorrow at four, the preeminent comics scholar Scott McCloud is doing a Q&A at my LCS Star Clipper and following that with a book signing. I've heard McCloud lecture once before, but it should be pretty cool to get the chance to hear him speak again.
Tomorrow at seven, at a book store called Subterranean Books which is across the street from my LCS, comic creator Matt Kindt will be having a book release party for his new book from Top Shelf, Secret Spy. Matt's a friend; he did the guest lecture for me once when I taught in Olney and just a few months ago at Lewis and Clark. I'm really looking forward to his new book since his last book 2 Sisters was so good.
And because I know Chad will care, in August my LCS is having a signing by a bunch of guys from Kansas City... including... Matt Fraction! ;)