Well, I made it through. While I had no doubt that I would make it to nine am, I wasn't sure what sort of content I'd be putting over the 24 hours. Not everything was fantastic, but I'm happy with what I wrote.
As for the Hero Initiative, we're sitting at $349.99 raised so far. As always, I'm keeping the sponsorship/donation window open for a week. If you wish to sponsor me, there are a variety of options:
* Direct donations to the Hero Initiative
* Purchasing products from their site, including annual memberships
* Purchasing products from their eBay store
If you do, let me know in the comments section or via e-mail (chevett13[AT]yahoo[DOT]ca) so I can keep track of how much is raised and give proper thanks.
Later today, after I wake up and do whatever I need to do around the house, I'll post an archive of all of the Blogathon posts like I have in the past.
What I'm impressed with is how well the post count worked out. I got through almost all of my prepared topics with the only remaining ones there more as back-ups than anything else. There was a bit of unity with the comics I discussed even though I chose books based solely one what I felt like writing about.
Thanks for all of the support, tweets, comments, donations, and kind words. Now, to bed. Finally. Good morning, good night...
Round World Thinking
3 hours ago