Another big week of comics for me, but that means lots of CBR reviews to write (the most I've ever done in one week, I believe). But, that comes off a month where I had my most reviews published on the site: thirty-three. That's more than one per day. It was also apparently a bunch of comics I liked since it was my highest star-average month ever, too. There were three five-star books... all deserving, but that was unusual and helped to skew things. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age. Anyway, here are the books I'm not reviewing for CBR...
The Boys #45: Weird thing: on the 'letter column' page of Dynamite books (more just a hype/bullpen page... whatever you want to call it), there's always a section where they quote short snippets of reviews. My review of The Boys #43 for CBR is quoted... twice... in a row... I've never seen that happen before. I did really like the issue. This issue is strong as we get some fall-out of Annie's big revelation last issue. As she tries to explain, the flashbacks of what's happened with the Boys going on in Hughie's head is great. Russ Braun fits into this book so well. If we can't have Robertson, Braun is a fantastic second choice. I'm starting to find reading this book monthly frustrating, because Ennis is really making it compelling and has me thinking the issues are too short and why isn't it next month already...? Fuck. Plus, the Female in a blonde wig? [****]
Captain America #608: Things fall apart more. Zemo is just taking James's life apart, barely appearing in this issue. It's methodical and effective. The art isn't as strong in places, falling really flat. A pretty typical issue of the series... [***3/4]
Casanova #2: Part of me wishes that Fabio Moon was doing the covers for that great contrast of the Twins on art. Issues 2 and 3 of Casanova are represented here and... I just love this book. The feel of it -- the tone -- the execution... yeah, just what my brain craves. This issue, I really picked up on the new lettering and have fallen in love with it. The colouring is still doing its thing while the different, more Criminal-esque backmatter is pretty great, too. If this keeps up its schedule, then the first Wednesday of the month will be Boys/Casanova Day and... that just makes me happy. [*****]
Secret Warriors #18: I'm assuming Fury lost the use of his left eye during the Zodiac Event... that was the only detail that really jumped out at me in this issue. Not a bad issue, just not one that stands out on its down as much. As well, Vitti's art looked a little sloppy/rushed/unfinished. [***1/4]
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3: Yeah, that was really, really, really fucking good. I still find Weaver's art somewhat inconsistent. Some pages/panels are stunning, while others show some really sloppy elements around the edges. His faces, for example, are weak usually. Hickman is writing with such confidence... this is the closest thing to his Image work that he's done for Marvel. I love the joke of the two text pages. Definitely sold on this series. [****1/2]
Now, to the pile of books that need proper reviews... dammit...