Over at the 4th Letter,
David Brothers quotes Tucker Stone on the differing approaches to violence against children in two comics from last week, one from DC (
Cry for Justice #7) and one from Marvel (
Ultimate Comics Avengers #5). Now, I didn't even pause in
UCA #5 when I read it and the Red Skull tossed a baby out of the window. He's a bad guy. That's what bad guys do. But, as I asked in the comments section of David's post: are people
just offended by the killing of the baby? After all, prior to that, a man is killed with a pair of old scissors, which, I have to believe, is much worse than being tossed out a window. If the man's death doesn't bother people, why does the baby's? It's far less painful and graphic... if anything, it adds a slightly comic touch to the scene with the baby seemingly safe and then, aw what the fuck, the Red Skull just tosses it out the window. Tim and I touched on this a bit in the podcast this week, but, really, is it just that killing kids is 'wrong' or what?