I am proud to announce the first in a series of books collecting my various online writings on comics, Another View: A Critical Examination of the Final Issue of Age of Ultron. It collects the 31 posts that I did on Age of Ultron #10 in January 2014 over at Comics Should Be Good. It contains a new introduction, footnotes, and a generally cleaned up version of the text.
It is available in paperback and in eBook formats at Amazon.
It can also be found at any regional Amazon you prefer to use.
It's a purposefully small book, both in page count and dimensions. I went for a size closest to the one used for the 33 1/3 series. Something compact for a quicker read. Partly because I wanted to begin small, partly to get a little practice at putting these together. I have plans for future volumes and am already hard at work on the next collection. It will be a larger one, but focused on a single topic/series. It will feature more new content, at least two new pieces of writing that I plan to add along with various bonus features. I'm not sure when it will be out, possibly by the end of the year, maybe very early 2019. Beyond that one, I have some ideas, but nothing specific planned out.
So, if you feel so inclined, please buy a copy in your preferred format. I hope you enjoy.
Et tu, Brute? – This Week’s Links
7 hours ago