I'm horribly late with these posts, but let's kick off a week of the best of 2010 with the CBR top 100. It's a list that's compiled from top ten lists by CBR contributors (on the main site and the blogs). We were asked to give a top ten with short blurbs for each book. This year, I made an effort to keep my blurbs very short and very pithy.
#100-76, including my blurb for Prison Pit Vol. 2.
#75-51, including my blurbs for Supergod, The Boys, and Deadpool MAX
#50-26, including my blurb for Punishermax.
#25-11, including my blurb for Demo 2.
#10-1, including my blurbs for Thor the Mighty Avenger and Daytripper.
Other blurbs I wrote:
Scalped (Vertigo; Written by Jason Aaron, drawn by RM Guera, Jason Latour, Davide Furnò, Danijel Zezelj): Consistently the best ongoing monthly book in the industry and has been for the past few years. (Made the CBR list at #5.)
Secret Warriors (Marvel; Written by Jonathan Hickman, drawn by Alessandro Vitti, Stefano Caselli, Mirko Colak): Leviathan rose, the Howling Commandos took their last ride, and members of Fury's caterpillars fell. This book kicked it into high gear and proved every month that it's a masterful novel in comics form. (Did not make CBR top 100.)
Now, the ten books I voted for there are not my final top ten for 2010. Since that list had to be done before the year was over, I hadn't read everything I had wanted to yet (still haven't really...) and my top ten list now is different. Some books are on both lists as you could imagine. But, it is a different list.
Tomorrow: a fairly random list of my favourite pieces of online criticism/review.
The X-Axis w/c 3 February 2025
15 hours ago