I was a little curious about my CBR reviews to date: which titles I've reviewed the most; which publishers I've reviewed the most; the highest issues ranked; the lowest issues ranked; and the average star rating... So, I did the math for you.
For these stats, I went by when the reviews were published (and, as such, I'm not including June's stats).
Reviews by Month
October 2008: 3 reviews; 9 stars total; 3 stars average
November 2008: 18 reviews; 59.5 stars total; 3.3055-- stars average
December 2008: 17 reviews; 58.5 stars total; 3.44 stars average
January 2009: 21 reviews; 67 stars total; 3.19 stars average
February 2009: 18 reviews; 55 stars total; 3.0555-- stars average
March 2009: 20 reviews; 65.5 stars total: 3.275 stars average
April 2009: 21 reviews; 69 stars total; 3.2857 stars average
May 2009: 23 reviews; 71 stars; 3.0869565 stars average
Total: 141 reviews; 454.5 stars; 3.2234 stars average
Reviews by Title/creator
X-Files: 6 reviews; 18 stars; 3 stars average
Young Liars: 5 reviews; 22.5 stars; 4.5 stars average
Scalped: 4 reviews; 17.5 stars; 4.375 stars average
The Boys (including Herogasm): 4 reviews; 13.5 stars; 3.375 stars average
Captain Britain and MI:13: 4 reviews; 17 stars; 4.25 stars average
Invincible Iron Man: 3 reviews; 9 stars; 3 stars average
Ghost Rider: 3 reviews; 12 stars; 4 stars average
Dave Sim books: 4 reviews; 13.5 stars; 3.375 stars average
Bendis Avengers titles: 10 reviews; 33.5 stars; 3.35 stars average
Warren Ellis Avatar books: 11 reviews; 42.5 stars; 3.8636363-- stars average
Joe Casey bookss: 8 reviews; 24 stars; 3 stars average
Number of Reviews by Stars
5 stars: 4
4.5 stars: 15
4 stars: 28
3.5 stars: 32
3 stars: 26
2.5 stars: 12
2 stars: 8
1.5 stars: 8
1 star: 4
0.5 stars: 3
0 stars: 1
Reviews by Publisher
Marvel: 51 reviews; 165 stars; 3.23529 stars average
DC: 37 reviews; 123 stars; 3.324324324-- stars average
Image: 15 reviews; 48.5 stars; 3.23333-- stars average
Avatar: 11 reviews; 42.5 stars; 3.8636363-- stars average
Other: 11 reviews; 38.5 stars; 3.5 stars average
Dynamite: 10 reviews; 25 stars; 2.5 stars average
BOOM!: 6 reviews; 15.5; 2.583333-- stars average
Some interesting stats there. Honestly, I'm a little surprised that the average star rating is that high. I was expecting something between 2.5 and 3... I don't know why, but I was. I am happy to see that my month-to-month average doesn't vary too much. Kind of surprising that I've given out more 3.5 stars than any other rating. The breakdown of publishers doesn't surprise me much. The average stars by publisher is interesting only in that I usually don't pay attention to the publisher when writing my review. Avatar has the highest average mostly because, in this period, every book I reviewed of theirs is a Warren Ellis title. I didn't expect such a low average for Dynamite, but that was before I remember The Death-Defying 'Devil was one of theirs. And, simply because people care about these things, I may review more Marvel books, but DC books are, apparently, a bit higher in quality.
Some questions: Does the average rating seem too high/too low? Am I too nice/too mean? Am I diverse enough (by whatever standard you wish to use)? Any other general comments regarding my reviews?
I may do another post in a few months. Maybe at the end of October at the one-year mark.